Sunday, November 28, 2010


Hi All,

Pilgrim Jimmy
 Sorry it's been a while...crazy life this little gnome leads....At any rate, I hope all of you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. I celebrated the holiday with "Mom"'s a Pilgrim to get into the spirit of it!

We had a great meal & enjoyed the blessings of being with family....and my "cousin" LOVES me (she even dressed me in my outfit!).  My my "Uncle" on the other hand hid me!! He's so jealous of me!!

Happy Thanksgiving!


Monday, November 1, 2010


....It was so much fun! People loved my costume! They thought that I was so cute that they gave me candy while "Mom" carried me around.

Can you guess what I was for Halloween???

I think I was too cute!!

Hope you got lots of candy!!
